Take a look at Daniel Sprick's self-portrait, "Release Your Plans."
I'd like you to identify any two "clues" that you think are important to understanding this picture, and then I'd like you to take a guess as to what you think the larger theme of this picture might be.
Remember to read others' comments before reading your own so that you can comment on other people's thoughts (it should be a conversation), and so that you avoid repeating what somebody else already said. Also, please use proper spelling and grammar.
P.S. This picture is hanging in the Denver Art Museum right now.
Clue 1.The broken then tied up sculpture
ReplyDeleteClue 2.The rug with all the dirt and things on it
I think that the theme of this painting is that nothing is planned, nothing is predictable, and things are going to make you change your plans because nothing is set in stone.
Two clues that helped me understand the painting better was the skeleton head and the mirror. I chose the skeleton head because it makes me think of death or disaster. I picked the mirror because I think it kinda of reflects what your plans can become. I think the big picture of this picture is that if your planning to do something big then it can end in either one of two ways, either really good, or really bad.
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ReplyDeleteThe clues that helped me find the bigger picture are the string around the table and the general disorder of the room. Together these show that even though the future maybe chaotic and unpredictable, it can be tied down and put into order by making plans and sticking to them.
ReplyDeleteClue 1. string wrapped around the table
ReplyDeleteClue 2. white wall
I think the bigger picture is your plans won't go exactly as planned, so expect anything and everything.
Clue 1. The plates that are the ground
ReplyDeleteclue 2. The rose.
The bigger picture is dates can go on forever.
One of the things to notice is this is a self portait. This person is trying to sat things about thier personality. The skull could mean they are a pessimist. The broken tyed up staue could be a reflection on breaking down inside and then putting yourself back together.
ReplyDelete2 clues I found were the plants around the table and the whole room in the picture.
ReplyDeleteI think the bigger picture is that the guy who lives there is an artist and those are props for his paintings. Also the bigger picture might be that its just a messy room.
1. The string.
ReplyDelete2. How the room is messy.
I think the string shows how things relate to each other, and the mes means that the plan didn't go perfectly.
dude i notice that diaper thing really quick kind of shows that this person or image is just a big baby and i notice the string so this baby has allot of free time on his hands but his really not good because its all tangled on the table
ReplyDeleteI think its an artist who has to much time on his hands an he makes everythin try to work together but doesn't work this thing sucks
The Two Clues that stood out to me were the skull and the plant behind it i think that that makes the theam maybe life and death. In the middle of the picture then there is a mirror reflecting that image to the side, and maybe the sting is there to add a confusing getting "tied up" aspect to life and death. ive accualy seen this picture in the art musem and it looks amazing in real life it almost looks like printed picture.
ReplyDelete1. The skull
ReplyDelete2. The makeshift table.... thing
I guess its like not all plans work out like they're supposed to. Or maybe its like one of MY plans, and its kind of a mix between 'trial and error' and 'wing it'.
the skull might mean sometimes plan go beyond the confines of your own lifetime.
First of all i want to say that this picture looks like it was taken by a photographer, it is an amazing picture.One clue I noticed was the bones, both the skull and the bones in the bottom right of the picture. Another clue I noticed was the string holding up the statue, I think it represents that he(self portrait) needs to be held up.
ReplyDeleteThe bigger picture/theme of this picture is that bad things may happen, like death and a broken relationship, and you may be broken, but you can always be tied back together.
And Mason I like what you have to say.
The plant and the skull are what stood out to me in this picture. I agree with ryn on the the skull representing death and the plant representing life. I'm guessing it is some king of memorial for some one that has died and is going onto new life.
ReplyDeleteOK, Two clues for me were:
ReplyDelete1. The broken roses, and
2. the kind of tangled up banner like thing in the background. These two things portrayed to me a broken love and a failure at being able to express it, because most people think of roses as a sign of love and the banners and the rest of the room being trashed was the authors attempt at expressing him/herself. So to me the bigger theme is that even when a love turns out bad and you just want to destroy everything in an attempt to make it better, don't, because there will always be that person who comes along and "saves the day" (so to speak).
"When the world says, "give up", Hope whispers, "try it one more time.""
Author unknown.
So in essence, never give up.
When I look at this picture I see two main clues to help understand the larger picture of the painting. The first thing I see when i look at the painting is the the plant. It is scattered around the painting and shows that everything that is disorganized isnt all bad. The second thing that sticks out is the title "practicing for tomorrow" which shows that life isnt planned and that you just need to deal with what life throws at you
ReplyDelete1. a clue is the skull and the bone in the background which makes me think of death
ReplyDelete2. The two empty wine glasses make me think that someone has left that place for good
I think the overall theme of this picture is about how things in life never last forever but you need to appreciate those good times so they can last you forever
1.Two Skulls
ReplyDelete2.There is a mirror at the left of the photo reflecting some of the things in the room.
1. The contrast of color in the black and red colored items against the white background and sculpture.
ReplyDelete2. The skulls and roses
I think that the theme of this painting is that you need to make the best of things (the broken and taped looking sculpture)because nothing in life goes perfect and the longer you stew on one thing the closer you are to the inevitable death that we all will experience (the skulls)
One clue that helped me was the skull with a plant right near it.
ReplyDeleteThe second clue for me was the string and the fact that it is on a raised platform.
I think this painting is depicting himself as depressed/suicidal. The Srting rapped around the platform made me think of a gallows and the skull and roses made me think that while he chooses to live his life, he has suicidal thoughts.
The skul on the ironing board is a clue because he sees himself as being dead, the second clue is the lack of furature, this probably means that he depicts himself as being poor
ReplyDeleteThere is a skull on the desk and a vase of roses which I think are meant to contrast. It looks like it could be in an old attic as well. The roses could symbolize life and happiness while the skull represents death and sadness.
ReplyDeleteClue 1. The strings around tthe table
ReplyDeleteClue 2. The mess all over
I really liked Justin B's idea that the future could be horrible and he is just trying to get ready and fix it up. Also another idea is that he might be trying to be romantic and set up a nice dinner for someone else, but he doesn't really know how to.
Clues: branches and string around tree
ReplyDeleteThe branches represent that people go their own ways in life and no one follows the exact same path, and the string around the tree represents restrictions, and how they can be broken, some people like myself, don’t like following rules and just like doing stuff their own way, and its not like I do it on purpose, its just I do it the way it makes sense to me and that’s what trees do, the branches go the way they need to to maintain the trees balance to prevent it from falling over