Based on what we have read so far in Macbeth, what are three discussion questions that could lead us to a deeper understanding of the characters, motifs, and/or themes of this play? Feel free to use the "How To Ask a Great Question" guide at the top of the class website.
After you have posted your three questions, please respond a question posted by somebody else. Be sure to reference clearly which question you are addressing.
Knowing that lady Macbeth wants to fulfill the witch’s prophecy, could she be a witch?
ReplyDeleteIf Macbeth does decide to kill King Duncan, what will be the tipping point for him (or in other words what will motivate him)?
Will Macbeth try to stop his wife from killing Malcolm or Duncan, and will his wife end up blackmailing him?
1.If the witches wouldn't had said anything to Macbeth do you think he would think of killing the king.?
ReplyDelete2.Why do you think the former Thane of Cawdor want to betray King Duncan and Scotland?
3.By what Mrs.Leclaire has told us about the book, who do you think is the more evil force in the book?
Will Macbeth try to stop his wife from killing Malcolm or Duncan, and will his wife end up blackmailing him?
I think that Macbeth will not stop his wife from killing Duncan because he wants to be king and since the witches told him about his future kingship he doesn't want to be convicted of killing the king so he will let his wife do it.
ReplyDeleteIf the witches wouldn't had said anything to Macbeth do you think he would think of killing the king?
Macbeth might have a slight idea about killing Duncan but the witches put the idea into his head. Macbeth sounds like the very loyal type so I don't think he would kill Duncan.
1. If macbeth dosen't kill king duncan then will his wife kill him?
ReplyDelete2. Will banquo help macbeth kill king duncan so that macbeth becomes king?
3. Will macbeths wife become a witch or is she already one?
Mark I think the tipping point for macbeth will be his wife trying to help him kill King Duncan.
1. So far Lady Macbeth has exhibited some pretty crazy ideas and feelings, is she under the witch's spell to exhibit all of this evil all a sudden?
ReplyDelete2. Exactly how many people will Macbeth kill and will it be out of free will or under fate?
3. This play so far has been very dark, is there any character or scene that is good or resembling goodness and light or is the whole story dark?
Carlos- I like your first question. The query of whether Macbeth would even think of killing Duncan if the witches hadn't prophecized it themselves to him. I think that Macbeth would not kill Duncan, but since it has been for seen. IT is obvious he will kill Duncan to fulfill prophecy of becoming king. Another question off this, is how will Macbeth feel once he is king if he does kill Duncan? Guilty?
Well my questions is does lady macbeth think that she has to make macbeth kill the king so he can be the king or do you think that he would get by some other way as the king know has a stroke or something
ReplyDeleteNext question do you think that one witch has more power over the other one's such as which two as more say then one but three has more power over two kind of thing like rankings
Do the witches ride broom sticks
-thats a good one she is a witch in desgise or maybe the witches told lady macbeth that if he made him kill the king she would become king because macbeth would become arrested for murder and such
1. Through the description about Macbeth wanting to kill Duncan after listening to the witches, what larger statement is Shakespeare making about society? Human Nature?
ReplyDelete2. What do the passages where the reader gets and understanding about how Duncan trusts Macbeth so much and wants to honor him greatly reveal about him?
3. When Lady Macbeth speaks after the messenger arrives, what does this reveal about her character?
To Marks first question sorry I forgot to post this on my original post.
ReplyDeleteI think Lady Macbeth might be a witch indeed. By the way she was positioned on the picture Ms. Leclaire showed us in class today it matched up to the way the 3 witches were shown in the other picture. (Which is the picture for this blog.)
1. Lady Macbeth seems to be pushing for the more evil approach to things, Perhaps she is the gold digging type?
ReplyDelete2. Will Macbeth be doing the dirty work for the crown or will Lady Macbeth be working behind the scenes.
3. Is Lady Macbeth the fourth witch or just a puppet for the other three?
I like Carlos' first question,
"1.If the witches wouldn't had said anything to Macbeth do you think he would think of killing the king?"
It raises even more questions about Why they said it or what are they getting out of this? It is clear how ever that he at some point would become king but now he has the feeling for wanting it now. After all patience is a virtue.
1. How could Lady Macbeth ask to be evil? Why Would She Want that.
ReplyDelete2. How far is Macbeth willing to go to get the crown from Duncan.
3.Why are the witches getting involved in Macbeth's Life anyway?
In response to Carlos' first question, I think that it would have been good if the witcches had not interfeared at all, but this is a tragedy, and anything thaat can go wrong will go wrong.
1. Is lady Macbeth a witch or helping the witches?
ReplyDelete2. If Macbeth kills Duncan what will the civilians think and will they try to overthrow him.
3. Will Banquo do something to help murder Duncan?
I think that lady macbeth is not a witch but that she is j simply a puppet under the witch's control and they are going to make her kill Duncan so that Macbeth may be king.
1. Why do you think that Lady Macbeth thinks Macbeth cant complete the murder?
ReplyDelete2. How do you think Lady Macbeth will accomplish the murder?
3. Do you think that Macbeth will Regret the murder once the deed is done?
In answer to your 1st question I don't think that Lady Macbeth is evil just extremely ambitious. In fact so ambitious she will let nothing stand in her way and will do anything to accomplish her goal. And if that goal is to be queen then I feel sorry for Duncan and his family.
1. So I know that we discussed the picture of Lady Macbeth a little in class today but I noticed something right at the end of class and thought it would make a good discussion question, so here it is:
ReplyDeleteIt was mentioned that on Macbeht's shoulder those two little creatures may really be two of the witches in the backround, but the third is missing, do you guys think, dude to her possitioning and appearance that Lady Macbeth may really be the third witch?
2. Even though the witches predicted that Macbeth would be king for hereafter on page 19, does that specifically mean that Macbeth was to be king immideatly after King Duncan or to be a king at some point in life, mabey not even necisarily of scottland as well?
3. Why does Duncan have to proclaim his eldest son King? isnt it tradition that the Eldest son take the throne after is father?
Cody K(question 2):
I think that Macbeth will kill many people in this book but I would reason to say that it is because he is under the witches spell of sorts. Now, based on what we know thus far the witches have cast no spell on Macbeth in the book, but sort of laid out his future for him which, depending on how you look at it is a spell of sorts because the future is a mystery to most and to have yours so clearly laid out in front of you could overwhelm the human stimulous thus giving off the impression of a spell to the mind. So Macbeth wont kill people because he chooses more because he feels he has to.
1. Lady Macbeth (from what we know) is a power hunger woman, put yourself in her shoes. if you were placed near power, wouldn't you want some of it if not all?
ReplyDelete2. is it human nature to always want more power or authority than you already have?
3. Is lady Macbeth power hungry or just corrupt?
Cody K. question 3- i think Macbeth is the light in the story, but due to his bad surroundings and lack of judgement he is overshadowed by darkness.
1. If Macbeth kills duncan, what will the society think of hin as a leader?
ReplyDelete2. Is Banquo planning on killing Duncan with Macbeth?
3. Will MAcbeth be able to kill The King sucussfully? Will he be frightened by something else?
I think Lady Macbeth is not a witch, but she has the right mentality of what could make one assume that she is.
1. Is Lady Macbeth a witch? And why would she ask to be evil?
ReplyDelete2. What will the people do if Macbeth kills Duncan?
3. Does Banquo want to plot killing Duncan with Macbeth?
ReplyDeleteI think the witches are using her as a puppet to help fullfil the prophecy but she is not a complete witch herself.
1) How does the bravery of one person influence those around him/her?
ReplyDelete2) In the book Macbeth, how does trust change people's views/opinions/actions?
3) Do you think that Macbeth will take his ambition/ the witches ambitions for him to far? Or will fate decide against his own will/ambitions?
Brendan L(first question)-
First of all you ask a great question. I believe that Shakespeare is implying that human nature is corrupt. Humans can be so easily influenced into doing something that would possibly raise their status or confidence, and without thinking of the consequences they do whatever needs to be done in order to achieve their goal. Or it could be the goal of someone else and they are using you to reach that goal. They don't care about you or what happens to you.
1. Why was Macbeth fit to be chosen to be King?
ReplyDelete2.What do you think that the witches represent?
3.Do you think that Macbeth carries a mask that hides his true colors?
I think lady Macbeth is pushing for evil to get money and more power.
1. Why do the witches want Macbeth to become thane so badly? Any they going to use him to their advantage in some way?
ReplyDelete2. Do you think Duncan will trust Macbeth completely like he did with Cawdor or will he watch Macbeth closely.
3. If Duncan watches Macbeth closely do you think Macbeth will be able to get away with killing him.
Anthony- I think lady Macbeth is both power hungry and corrupt. She seems like an evil lady who only cares about herself and will do anything to get what only she wants.
1) With Macbeth's wife wanting Macbeth to become king by murder will she influence Macbeth to kill the current king or will he be content with being Cawdor?
ReplyDelete2) Will the witches predictions about Banquo drive him towards changing his future since he wants to become king, not just his sons?
3) If macbeth wants to become king doesnt that mean he not only has to kill the current king by the kings sons as well to insure that he becomes the next king?
That question could go both ways. My first thought about lady macbeth is that she is just power hungry and not under any of the witches enfluences. But after going back through the text there is a line in the part explaining the scene for scene 5 that states, "After messenger tells her the king is coming, she calls on the powers of evil to help her do what must be done". This makes me beleive that lady macbeth could be under the enfluense of the witches or even a witch.
1. Do you think Macbeth will end up being King?
ReplyDelete2. Do you think Lady Macbeth will make Macbeth kill the King or will Macbeth have the guts to do it himself?
3. Does Macbeth do stuff to change his life to fulfill the prophecy?
Hunter- I don't think the witches ride broomsticks in this story. It's a stereotype of witches to be portrayed with broomsticks.
Where do the witches come from and why do they want Macbeth to be ruler?
ReplyDeleteWill macbeth become ruler? How?
Does Duncan trust macbeth? Why?
Reece- If macbeth is really that dark, Duncan has no chance against stopping Macbeth from killing him, unless Duncan kills Macbeth.
ReplyDeleteWhy would Lady Macbeth encourage Macbeth to kill King Duncan?
ReplyDeleteDoes Lady Macbeth have her own motives that are unknown to Macbeth?
If Macbeth decides to kill Duncan how will he do it without leaving evidence it was him?
I don't think he would have. It is only because of the "prophecy" foretold to him that he is in pursuit of this goal. If the witches had not said anything about him becoming king, I do not believe he would have gone in search of this title.
1. If the witches had never come and told Macbeth that he would have become ruler of Cawdor would Macbeth even consider killing the King?
ReplyDelete2. Why is Macbeth's wife so greedy and have such a desire for her husband to become king?
3. Do you think that the witches set all of these events in motion or do you think that fate decided it all?
Knowing that lady Macbeth wants to fulfill the witch’s prophecy, could she be a witch?
That is a good question but in my opinion I do not think that she could be a witch. If she was a witch she would probably have known even before Macbeth told her about what was happening. I think you do have a good point in asking that though because she does act like one of the witches.
1. would Macbeth have become so ambitious if the witches had not told him he had the oppritunity to be king?
ReplyDelete2. Does Lady Macbeth want Macbeth to be king more than he does?
3. Do you think that macbeth will be able to be king knowing that he murdered the previous one after he has been trusted and preached to be current king?
Peter L Q#3
I think that the onlt way for Macbeth to leave no evidence would be to kill Duncan with his own sword or weapon
1. Everyone in the play has some kind of ulterior motive. Do you think the witches have any ulterior motives to making Mabeth king?
ReplyDelete2. Without Lady Macbeth's "persuasion" would Macbeth really kill the king?
3.Can too much trust turn out to be a bad thing? In a larger scale can too much of anything be a bad thing?
In response to Connor's first question, if the witches had not come Macbeth wouldn't think of killing the King. He was a loyal soldier and would have been happy with being Thane of Cawdor. Similarily, if Lady Macbeth had not been told of the witches prophecy than she might have had ambitions for Macbeth to become king but, wouldn't have acted on it. It seems like witches aren't hated as much in this time period when compared to a time like the 17th century.
1. Do you think that the witches intended for Macbeth to kill Duncan?
ReplyDelete2. Does Macbeths ruthlesness on the battlefield transfer into his plot to kill Duncan.
3. Why does the King have missgivings about giving Macbeth the Title Thane of Cawdor?
Aaron- I think that she will want he Husband out of the way, she just whants power for her self.