Monday, November 16, 2009

Kite Runner Fishbowl #7: Chapter 23

Above is a picture that our friend Rob sent us of the infamous soccer stadium.

This is our second-to-last fishbowl discussion! If you haven't made it into a hotseat yet, try it out today. Also, remember to bring in quotations from the text whenever possible.



  1. Hello everyone,
    On page 297, what did you all think the significance was when Amir's lip was split and would have a scar just like Hassan's was. I think it's even more punishment for his sins against Hassan for now he is just like him. i think the scar will be there to remind him as well; so he can never truly forget.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Rob-
    This is Matt from 1st hour and I was wondering how come the Taliban will give sanctuary to anyone who asks and why would they save bin Laden?

  4. Why is it that the kid wont speak?

  5. I think Amir knew that it would come and he was kind of prepared for it but was still kind of shocked.

  6. Brendan- I agree with you I think that his lip will be a punishment for what he did to hassan and for what he didnt do for Hassan. The scar will be there his whole life and will remind him of Hassan

  7. Why do you think Sohrab is being so quiet. He is acting just like Hassan did after he was raped. Do you think the same thing happened to Sohrab?

  8. To Brendan,
    I think that the significance of the scar is that amir will always have now a permanent memory of Hassan

  9. Cody- it could also be like having the cleft lip that Hassan had in the start of the book.

  10. Cody-
    I also agree with you that he will have to witness it everyday for the rest of his life, it will remind him that he never helped out Hassan.

  11. Going to jakes question in the inner circle I think Amir crys when Farid said that comment because Hassan said that to Amir before he got the kite and got raped.

  12. Brendan-
    That could be it that he went through the same thing and it could of affected Sohrab
    I agree with you that the scare will never be healed an it would be with him for the rest of his life that scare will keep getting re-open more and more

  13. Cody, I agree. When Farid says that it stirs up a bad memory in Amir that he is trying to put away in the back of his mind.

  14. Brendan- Yes I think that Sorhab was raped. Did u notice when Amir was taking him from Assef that Assef was being all sensual while he was touching sorhab and he was talking to Amir about how much he liked do that to the little kids. Makes me want to rip Assefs entrails from his body.

  15. To the question about Assef being a rapist.
    What do you think goes through his mind when he rapes a child?

  16. Bredan
    I think Sohrab is mostly quiet because he is confused. Before with Assef he didn't really have a choice of what was done to him. Now Sohrab knows that he didn't have a choice but according to his religion he sinned and is a bad person.

  17. Brenden- I think that sohrab was raped by Assif because of how Assif acted towards him when he was in the room like how he would rub sohrabs stomach and kiss him. Also how Assif talked bout it to Amir.

  18. Brendan-
    Responding to your question, What is the significance of the scar on Amir's lip?" I think that the significance is that Amir will now feel Hassan's pain in a way. Amir also seems to think that he deserved this after everything that happend between Hassan and Amir.

  19. To Brendan (again),
    Sohrab probably did get treated the same way as Hassan. I mean, this is Assef we're talking about. Some people change, but most people don't. Plus, the Taliban can get away with pretty much anything they want. so, yeah, I think Sohrab was treated that way.

  20. Matt- I don't even want to know. Its sick.

  21. Matt- I dont think anyone knows what is going through his head because we dont rape people so we wouldnt know.

  22. WHOA! Mason, i agree with what you said about Assef, but you don't have to be so brutal about things.

  23. Outer circle--Some of you are pretty quiet today. Make sure that you're participating frequently and thoughtfully, and I'd like to see some of you bringing in some textual references very soon. STEP UP YOUR GAME.

  24. Wow, Assef is some kind of creepy.

  25. Andy- People like assef piss me off but sorry about that

  26. Okay why do you guys think of the inner circle talking about the scare in on the lip

  27. Here's a new question,

    On page 307, Amir has a dream where Assef is standing in the hospital doorway with the brass ball still stuck in his eye and says, "We're the same, you and I," "You nursed with him, but your my twin." What could this mean?

  28. On page 300 why do you think that Amir delayed reading the letter from Rahim for so long?

  29. Matt P-
    I don't think that comment is relevant to the chapter but in my opinion, Assef rapes to send a message and most of the time the message gets through to the targeted victim.

  30. @Brendan
    I think it is possible that Sohrab could have been raped by Assef, especially considering Assef's history and what else he has done through out the story. Also I think Matt made a good point that it is ironic that Assef raped Hassan, and then Hassan's son ends up in Assef's hands.

  31. Responding to the discussion in the inner circle-
    Hitler was also a hypocrite he killed Jews, even though there is conspiracy that he was half Jewish. He decided who was the perfect person down to the slightest detail: race, eye color, skin color, hair color, height, and facial features; even though he was far from a perfect example of the aerian(sp?) race.

  32. I agree with Cody in that we don't know what goes on through their minds only the people that have raped someone could explain it.

  33. Who do you think had a bigger influence on who Amir is today, Baba or Rahim Khan? Baba instilled all of his values in Amir and tried to raise him to be a good person. Rahim Khan, on the other hand, was more of a compassionate father figure, who encouraged Amir to write.

  34. To Matt p.
    How should i know what is going through his head? Probably some really messed up thoughts, but other than that, I don't know.

  35. On page 291 Sorhab shoots Assef in the eye with a sling shot. Just like his father threatened to do to Assef. What do you guys think the significance of this is?

  36. Brendan- I think Assis says that him and Amir is the same because they both bullied and hurt Hassan.

  37. Brendan- They have both stolen from hassan, Assef stole his dignity and Amir the same,by not helping him.

  38. Cody, I think he delayed reading the letter for so long because Amir probably had a good idea of what it was about. Rahmin Khan told him so many secrets he was unaware about when he met with him so I think he knew it was about the rape.

  39. Mason, you cant change how people are, they will always rape kids if they have before. Take a drug addict and get him clean, then introduce him to the drugs again, he will just use again.

  40. Cody
    I think that Amir delayed from reading that letter because he was nervous about what Rahim was going to say.

  41. To Justin,
    I think Amirs inspiration is a mix of the both. He gets his common sense and good person skills from Baba, and he gets his kindness from Rahim Khan.

  42. Mason- If you think there is no were on Assif where you could shoot him to hurt him and take him out so you could escape except shooting him in the eye. I dont think there is much of a significance because of that.

  43. Mason
    I think this has a lot of different significances. One is that while it appears that Amir is going to save Sohrab, Sohrab is actually the one saving Amir. He is saving Amir''s honor and allowing Amir to redeem himself.

  44. @Justin
    I believe when Amir was younger, Rahin Khan had more of an impact on who Amir was. However when Amir decided to go back to Afghanistan I believe that was when he started to change towards the image that Baba had demonstrated for him when he was younger.

  45. Cody-
    Well I think that the reason of the delayed reading the letter from Rahim for so long is that because he isn't ready for that like he doesn't think he can read yet because he isn't ready for it in his life now
    well the way i think is that there both the same first of all the way they look at stuff in the world an how there choices and I don't know about the whole nurse thing maybe they were nursed together then split up thats a confusing one

  46. Brendan- The quote on 307 could possibly be inferring that Assef and Amir are close family friends, by force because their parents, but it could also be inferring that Baba could be the father of Assef, although far fetched.

  47. Justin- do you think that he is avenging his father?

  48. Justin-
    I agree with you that he now can have a chance to redeem himself, by not raping Sorhab.

  49. Mason- Why do you think Assef is so bad? He has mental problems and can't control his actions. Plus he is with the taliban so that can't be good for him. He is a person too. I don't blame him for anything he has done, i blame his parents and his mental problems.

  50. Mason-
    Ya I think he is avenging his father because he still think its needed

  51. @Mason
    I think it shows how much Hassan and Sohrab are alike. I think it reminds Amir of Hassan and how they used to be when they were together.

  52. does Assef get a rush out of beqating the living shhhhtuffing out of amir? or anyone?

  53. Class,

    The part in the book when Amir finds Sohrab is full of symbols and significances. Assef turns into "One-eyed Assef, Sohrab is the one holding thee slingshot saving Amir, the brass ball reappearing, Sohrab possibly getting raped and Amir getting his lip split

  54. To MasonR,
    I think the significance is that what better person to do it that Sohrab? Its kind of like what goes around comes around.

  55. Thats a good point Anthony he must have had a really messed up childhood to turn out that bad.

  56. Peter-I am suprised that Amir didnt notice that he shot him and made him one eyed Assef. Just like his father tried to do.

  57. Mason,
    He could be saving his father. The wars and Taliban were the ones who drove them out of Afghanistan.

  58. There is alot of irony in these chapters.... why?

  59. @Anthony
    I disagree, I blame Assef completely. One's parents can have an impact on how they behave, however I believe they only repeat that behavior if they agree with it.

  60. Mason
    Sorhab shooting Assef in the eye has little to no significance unless you just say he is just like Hassan.
